Torbane Oil Works

The Torbane Oil Works were built on flat land close to the Airly shale mines. Torbane was serviced by a single-track railway, linking it with the main line to Mudgee, 3 kilometres away. The site operated from 1900.

The Retorts at Torbane were only used to produce crude oil. The oil was transported by rail to Hartley Vale.

The facilities built at Torbane Oil Works included the Retorts, the Boiler House, an Engine Shed, Storage Tanks for Oil and a Storage Tank for water.

When the Retorts were shut down in 1913, salvagable equipment and buildings were relocated to Newnes which was still operating.

Little remains at the site - the walls of the Boiler House, the supports for the Storage Tanks, some foundations and piles of rubble.

Torbane is located on private property. Permission from the owners is required to visit.

Glen Alice 8931-4N

215 336

Mining Relics

Private Property (NSW)

Mt Airly

Not Protected



Last Updated: 04-01-2019