Mugii Murum-ban SCA

Mugii Murum-ban is a State Conservation Area just east of Capertee, supposed to protect the significant pagoda landforms, slot canyons, endangered plants and birds and historical mining relics.

Two large mesas, Mt Airly and Genowlan Mountain, dominate the surrounding countryside. The mesas are separated by Gap Creek which has cut a narrow steep sided valley between them. Genowlan Creek rises on Genowlan Mountain and flows north to join the Capertee River.

The area has been mined for many years, initially for oil shale and later for gold and diamonds. A coal mine is operating just to the west of and under the State Conservation Area.

There are many relics from the early mining period on the eastern slopes of Mt Airly, including cave houses, tramways and mine structures. Viewed in their historical setting these relics provide a valuable picture of life, in what was 100 years ago, a remote mining community. The area is archaeologically significant, sensitive and quite unique.

Genowlan Mountain has colonies of endangered plants, interesting canyons, large pagoda mazes rock art as well as the relics of diamond and gold mining.

Glen Alice 8931-4N

225 333

500 - 1040 metres

State Conservation Area

Mugii Murum-ban State Conservation Area (NSW)

Airly and Morundurey


Last Updated: 04-01-2019